Simon Lee published the supernatural thriller Whisper Wood in 2021
What inspired you to write a supernatural thriller set in Whisper Wood?
Playing in woodlands for what seemed like forever during the summer months with my friends was a significant part of my childhood. As well as injuring myself on rope swings and nearly drowning in mud, there was the occasional brush with things a little more surreal, like hearing odd noises and finding abandoned campsites and such. I think it was these that give me the germ of an idea for the setting.
How did you develop the character of the man destined to ponder his past and broken relationship with his son?
Frank is an old man with memories – some good, some bad – and plenty of regrets. He’s got lots of time to think, so I developed him by really trying to step inside his mind and also calling on some of my own family experiences too.
Can you tell us more about the murder from long ago and how it ties into the overall plot?
Whisper Wood is that local wood where you played as a child and everyone in town knows about it and has spent at least some time there. Years back, there was a murder there and it’s not something that local people forgot in a hurry. The book takes place in a number of time frames, including the time of the murder and illustrates the impact and influence it still has.
The blurb mentions “seemingly unconnected horrific burnings.” How do these incidents contribute to the story’s atmosphere?
These burnings are probably the book’s most disturbing elements, but they’re there to illustrate how long of a shadow the murder from the past cast.
How do you balance the narratives of the two boys from different times in the novella?
The book has a number of narratives, and the two boys are there to demonstrate how past events can influence the person you become, but also the crowd you hang around with in your formative years.
What challenges did you face in crafting a supernatural element that links everything together?
I can’t resist a bit of the supernatural! I developed an idea that would run through the next two books in the series, so once I had that established it helped me weave it into the story more effectively. It was a challenge getting timelines straight and making sure everything matched up!
How does the setting of Whisper Wood itself play a role in the story?
Woods are special places. They’re full of mystery, a different sense of time, different sounds and of course, very scary at night. The woods are a character themselves because of the atmosphere they create and the doubts they sometimes place in characters’ minds.
Did you draw inspiration from any particular authors or works in the supernatural thriller genre?
I’m not really conscious of my influences, and don’t try to write like anyone in particular. I grew up with Tolkien and later Stephen Donaldson and read lots of Stephen King, and love sci-fi, fantasy and thrillers generally. In all honesty, I haven’t actually read a great deal of supernatural stuff!
As a novella, how did you approach pacing and character development within a shorter format?
I used to be a newspaper sub-editor, so keeping things impactful and concise without too much flower seems to come pretty naturally! I think the novella format lends itself to this style, so it just seemed to fit right with me. In terms of character development, I think a bit of background but very much introducing the reader to the characters through their actions works in this format. Once their mood and motivations are established, they develop quite naturally I think.
Without spoilers, can you hint at what readers might find particularly surprising or unsettling in Whisper Wood?
The deaths in the books are unsurprisingly unsettling, but I think the reasons and motivations behind them may be a little surprising too!
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