“Endzone” delves into the world of professional football. The novel centers on the friendship of an American football player with a 12-year-old football fan, Billy Watkins, and how their relationship exposes young Billy to the darker side of the sport. The story of “Endzone” is told through the eyes of Billy. From drugs and shady deals to the commissioner of the Professional Football Association, a fictional league created by the author, and his lies, to kneeling players, the book tells the story of how Billy decided to take a stand against the corruption in the system. “Endzone” touches on the current dissatisfaction with pro football, speaking to both young fans who still like football and also older fans who have grown weary of the politicizing of the sport and the actions of those who are pushing their agenda onto fans.
A young boy is befriended by a professional football player, but when the player is injured he discovers the dark side of the sport.
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