Even God Herself is a philosophical science fiction novel centered on a team of scientists, human and otherwise, whose creative genius leads to the development of unprecedented technologies that can resolve humanity’s fundamental problems.
In this near-future tale of revolutionary societal transformation, world-renowned neuroscientist Swati Mohan Shinneman and her colleagues at the Institute for Applied Cybernetics have a dream: to change what it means to be human—and beyond. No biggie.
This confederacy of visionaries creates mind and virtue-enhancing technologies that can uplift humanity, enabling them to interact from a cooperative state of enlightened compassion. To accelerate this process, they design a MultiMind uploaded-being, combining the knowledge of top human experts with the world’s first sentient AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)—with a quirky sense of humor to boot.
Swati’s research is opposed by the anti-transhumanist activist group, LuddAnon, while simultaneously supported by hyper-rich benefactors and a mysterious consortium with a need to redeem itself for past transgressions.
Warning/Guarantee: This is not your standard dystopian science fiction fare.
Rather than a typical story propelled by psychologically flawed characters—bent on pitting their ‘all too human’ impulses for coercion and conquest against one another—this is a tale of what humanity might achieve if it could rid itself of its self-destructive, aggressive tendencies.
The protagonist and her coconspirators strive to manifest the optimistic sentiment of Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek: ‘We are an incredible species. We’re still just a child creature. We’re still being nasty to each other around the world, and all children go through those phases. But when we grow up, man, we are going to be something.’ In this sense, Even God Herself is humanity’s ‘coming of age’ story.
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