Hundreds of thousands of children are broken and destroyed physically and emotionally every year in the world of CHILD TRAFFICKING.
Millions are trapped in the modern slave trade of human trafficking day after day, often lasting months, years, or more.
They are often led or pushed to addiction and ultimately become part of those statistics as well. Hundreds of thousands have died and continue to die from drug overdose.
Millions more still suffer the strongholds of addiction – our sons and daughters, our sisters and brothers, even our spouses or parents.
This is one survivor’s shocking and inspirational true story of abuse, family secrets, child trafficking, addiction, overdose.. and ultimate victory over all that meant to destroy her!
Readers suggest putting several hours aside because it is impossible to set this book down!
The author takes the reader along as she shows exactly what she experienced from her very first memory and every horrific event that systematically shattered her innocence – leaving behind broken and scarred remnants of what she could have been. This tragic but inspirational true story evokes every possible human emotion and stays with the reader long after reading the last word!
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