Based on the true story of colorful Englishman George Tomline Gordon, this story begins in 1857 in England with a man on the verge of losing it all due to his own recklessness.
Given another chance, he begins his quest for redemption, but we find a very flawed man struggling to find his way. He takes his family to Vancouver Island, British Columbia, during the gold rush.
When his quest for gold ends in disaster, he enters politics. This brings on a new temptation to which he succumbs and loses his freedom and nearly his family.
With dauntless pluck, he reemerges and comes to America where he volunteers to fight in the Civil War.
When even war glory proves illusive, he must face his own mortality.
But with the help of two honest men and a faithful wife who still believes in him despite it all, he makes one last try at redemption.
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