Eight-year-old Wisper Grant has her life turned upside down when an underground explosion on her home planet releases alien spores that transform her from a happy little girl into Mordratha, the Queen of an ancient alien life form called the Rakshesha, the eaters of man.
Knowing there aren’t enough humans on the planet to sustain her new hive for long, she must find a way to get off the planet… and do it soon.
Jessie and Patrick are the only survivors of the disaster that was the cargo ship Stargazer, and find themselves being held prisoner on an unknown planet on the far side of the galaxy.
Meanwhile, the Successor has a plan to use the Rakshesha to eliminate the Human race.
The Rakshesha may have other plans.
The Dratle, (a species from a distant planet that controls mechanized robots onboard their ship by using telepathic thoughts), wants Jessie and Kreig as new members for their zoo-like collection.
No one has ever escaped from a Dratle ship, but Commander Glatt may have a plan if she can convince Captain Johnnie John and his crew of Native Americans to use their special gifts to rescue them.
Can Jessie and Kreig be saved?
Will the Rakshesha get their Revenge, or will the Successor succeed in his plan to turn the Rakshesha into his secret weapon against the Humans?
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