A Reptilian Alien Trilogy
Once upon a time, there were caverns deep below the surface of the Earth. Even prehistoric humans were afraid to venture into the obscure realms that later came to be known as Inner Earth.
For millennia, these depths remained unexplored until, one day, an ancient race of reptilian aliens arrived in our planet to colonize it. In order to protect themselves from the vicious predators that roamed the surface at the time, the reptilian explorers built underground shelters.
As time passed, the reptilian aliens evolved at a much faster rate than their human counterparts. They engaged in genetic research and made scientific breakthroughs that were unfathomable to our prehistoric ancestors.
Our troubles began when experimenting with animals was no longer enough for the reptilians. With our primitive defense tactics and rudimentary weapons, we stood no chance against them.
Today, it is said that this mighty species still lurks in the dark depths of Inner Earth, right under our feet.
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