A seventeen-year-old female genius named Zendra, born on the planet Solitude Seven in the periphery of the galaxy, Via Lactea, finds herself inexorably drawn into momentous events at the very center of power that will require her to use her prodigious abilities to save the human race from the malevolent leader Drang the Gray of Triangulum Galaxy and his Horde Armada. Visit http://www.seththatcher.com to learn more! This first installment in a new series of transgalactic space opera called The Galaxies Like Dust is something you won’t want to miss!
If the human race was in danger from an evil dictator from another galaxy, who would defend us? How would we survive? Who would rise to the occasion? Would we face implacable ruin and spectacular demise? Not on her watch! Zendra stands boldly athwart transgalactic ambitions to carry the human race from its starfaring infancy into its cosmic adolescence. Only Zendra can ensure that humanity plays a prominent role in the advancement of the many extant races in the Virgo Supercluster of Galaxies.
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